Now That's a Beer Fest

Once upon a time, Portland fancied itself "Munich on the Willamette," partly because of the Oregon brewers Festival. It's cool and you'll hear me say nothing bad about it. But as I write this, the real Munich is throwing a beerfest that puts ours in perspective:
  • Lasts 2 weeks (OBF: four days)
  • 6 million visitors (OBF: 60,000)
  • 30 tents (OBF: 2 tents)
  • Seating for 100,000 (OBF: umm ... fewer)
  • Liter mugs made of actual glass (OBF: 12-ounce plastique)
  • Yodeling (OBF: no yodeling)
I found a photo set on Flickr by "Zurika" with nice photos, if you want to have a peek. I will steal one as bait.


Update: I should have mentioned two stats over which the OBF has dominance. Arguably, they're the whole ball game.
  • 6 breweries (OBF: sixty-some)
  • Decent enough beer in a narrow range of styles (OBF: fantastic beer in a wide range of styles)
Jeff AlworthOktoberfestComment